Definitely, you need to start making friends with "worldly" people... they're not so bad after all...
sure it sounds simple but i find myself with no friends.
my husband and i started our fade a few months ago and this past weekend we came to the realization that we have no one to turn too, to relie on except ourselves.
this may sound childish but what started this thought process is we were doing a home project.
Definitely, you need to start making friends with "worldly" people... they're not so bad after all...
it is a standard answer that i get from the few jw's that i speak with.. "the organization has it's flaws, but where else would we go to be among.
people who strive to do [jehovah's/god's] will?".
"i don't understand all the doctrine, nor take it as seriously as you do, but .
I've gotten that alot in the past month...
My response thus far is that I do not know what the truth is, but I intend to search for it and find meaning in my life. But I am definitely not going to follow a lie anymore. That would be stupid to stay in, just cause it feels good and all my friends are doin it...
the recent post about dolls has me picturing other conversations that parents could be having with with their young, impressionable children.. here's my own little scene inspired by the june wt.. (timmy is playing with his toy car).
dad: what kind of car do you have there, timmy?.
timmy: it's a super fast red porsche!.
The crawling maidservant doll - crawls along the floor just like the girl who had been gang raped.
I agree, your toys are pretty gruesome... Does this one come in twelve interlocking peices so you can send it to the 12 tribes after you cut her up?
BTW, My wife had to give a talk about this subject in Gilead... It was about being hospitable, of all things....LOL
this is really torture sometimes.... he made a run for it from this site, went out in service for 2 days and is back into full-fledge more jw.... that totally sucks... ackkk... i wouldn't care so much if he wanted to be a jw, it's just he's always pressuring me to be it also and live my everyday life the way that he wants to me to live it.
i feel like i'm being totally controlled... .
this is not going to happen like this forever.
I'm still going to all the meetings...
Ouch.. That really hurts.. My you are a submissive wife.... Once I decided to leave I decided not to make meetings anymore. The free time is great!
Hopefully you can break free at some point....
i mean seriously friends... what difference does this announcement make to the grand scheme of things?.
yes, it may be a huge change to the way they do things, but what effect will it really have?.
it is not like we can use it against them to prove that they are not a ucked fup horrible mind controlling cult.
I agree that there are way too many threads on this... it seems that every other thread is about this change... its not like the end is near or something important...
But you're right Princess..."The "rank and file" will not be weakened by this change"
My wife came home from her meeting and said that this was just another "Provision from Jehovah." TM
the recent post about dolls has me picturing other conversations that parents could be having with with their young, impressionable children.. here's my own little scene inspired by the june wt.. (timmy is playing with his toy car).
dad: what kind of car do you have there, timmy?.
timmy: it's a super fast red porsche!.
I wonder why the Society hasn't gotten around to playing cards as a negative pasttime.
When I was about 7 or 8, a sister came to our house and told me off for using playing cards.. She said just that, that the cards were from the devil...
this is really torture sometimes.... he made a run for it from this site, went out in service for 2 days and is back into full-fledge more jw.... that totally sucks... ackkk... i wouldn't care so much if he wanted to be a jw, it's just he's always pressuring me to be it also and live my everyday life the way that he wants to me to live it.
i feel like i'm being totally controlled... .
this is not going to happen like this forever.
Hi Cognac...
Sorry about your hubby... My wife is kinda doing the same... After her meeting today she told me "Why don't you just send your letter in?". She was tired of everybody asking "wheres your husband?" and wants it to stop by having an announcement made... I told her to have them call me and I'll tell them straight out...
Anyway, I imagine it's just as hard for your husband... probably when he goes to meetings or service everyone must be asking, "Wheres Cognac"?
it's truly exciting to see all of the "rapid fire" changes taking place in the watchtower org.
buildings are being sold, kingdomhalls are "compressing", bethelites are being sent home, watchtower format changing to public issues and private issues, more and more judicial committee meetings being held for apostasy.
(the watchtower is dead it just hasn't fallen over yet!
I can't wait for the memorial figures to come out for 2008, cuz since 5/2007 anyone can be anointed... Will there be 10,000? 15,000? more? I wonder if the society will start keeping those figures under wraps instead of publishing them since if the number of anointed goes up significantly it coul also spark either a mass exodus or a mass "anointing"...
just in case you slept in this morning and didn't get to the kh, here's an mp3 of the letter being read.... .
no more bookstudies (2007427_announcement.mp3):
Daniel:"The Congregation Bible Study"... so does that mean they'll be studying the Bible? Also, I love how they call it an "adjustment." Just like all the Bethel downsizing is called "streamlining."
Yep, that was my question too... This could be good for us if they actually would just study the Bible, and nothing else... But alas, I am surre that it will continue to be the same WTS propaganda as before...
And SPYareyou.... welcome to JWD (if yer new)... keep on spying like Joshua and Caleb,,,
please sign here............................ why do we even care?.
I think many of us keep an eye on these things to hope that the JWs that we care about begin to wake up.